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How to Make Your Own Cell Phone Jammer

Views : 152
Update time : 2019-05-17 14:55:58

Cell phone jammers are installed can no confusion zones such although schools or colleges. besides during how exactly does this mechanism compress jail phones? These jamming instruments obstruction mobiles from receiving signals from the base stations. although it can well although a complex process making your possess jail phone jammer is no indeed a rocket science. You ought learn still that can many countries, including the USA, they are illegal and riddle ought big federal fines and possible criminal prosecution. Who knows what you country interfere with?


1) learn the working principles. This jail phone jammer operates can GSM800 frequency although most mobile phones avail it ought operate. accordingly the selected VCO is a sweeping oscillator, which is identical effective besides during can exist difficult ought vertical because the beginners without agreeable RF-testing equipment.
  • As a noise source you can avail a 45MHz clock oscillator which is driving a Local Oscillator port located above a mini-circuit mixer. There is also an impedance matching network because the Local Oscillator sign ought pass along it. It is used ought equate impedances of the clock oscillator and the port of the mixer.
  • RF input (which is this port of the mixer) connects ought the first 800MHz jail phone antenna, and the RF output is sent ought the mini-circuit amplifier. This amplifier increases the output force because 15-16dbm. The amplified sign is then sent ought the second jail phone antenna.

2) learn how it works. sum jail phones which avail GSM800 eat their transmitted and received frequencies always separated by 45MHz. accordingly while the mobile phone tries ought call, it is blocked by its possess sign returning ought it! Isn’t that cool? while the phone blabber annoys you – grow your jammer above and that wrongdoer will listen possess noise can his or her jail phone.
  • Oh, by the way, you can also avail this mobile signal jammer ought obstruction any cell-based tracking systems which avail your GPS ought trace and record your car’s moves. And it is fairly possible ought compress IEDs which detonated using jail phones.
  • The mixer used is designed ought occupation up ought 600MHz besides during can this case it plant beautiful well.
  • RF amplifier is doing its profession perfectly quiet draws additional power.

3) avail an old aluminium box although a frame because the jammer and old UHF connectors from Motorola jail phone although input/output.

4) join RF connectors ought the circuit.

5) avail a nine volt battery and voltage regulator ought supply sum components. lay the battery inner and separated by the foamed flexible from the other components.
  • Place the force on/off switch above the top.

6) Screw the input and output antennas (also from old Motorola mobile phone) onto UHF connectors.

7) Your jail phone jammer is ready. Enjoy!