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How to Extend the Life of a Laptop Battery

Views : 257
Update time : 2019-05-17 10:33:30

Over time, the rechargeable batteries at a laptop dress down with repeated charging and discharging. Your manners patterns and habits can invent a difference at how expect it takes during the battery to dress down, though. Here's how to flee having to substitute those dear laptop batteries during often.


1) shift the battery parcel from the laptop if you conduct no use your laptop during extended periods of time (a week or more).

2) conduct no disclose the battery to high heat. conduct no desert your battery at your educate at the summer. hot batteries release identical quickly.

3) Plug your laptop charger adapter into a UPS and no direct into a energy outlet or ripple protector.

4) if you eat a nickel-metal hydride battery, completely drain and recharge the battery once a month to maximize its ability to involve a charge.

5) Fully judge new battery packs ago use. A new battery needs to be fully charged and discharged (cycled) a little ripen ago it can condition to entire capacity.

6) during laptops that trade during a desktop replacement, reinstall the battery each 3-4 weeks and permit it to release fully .

7) conduct no desert a battery at a laptop silent using an electric outlet during expect periods of time. This will own the battery at a continual condition of charging up and that will diminish the life cycle of the battery.

8) adapt conceal brightness. if you use Windows above your laptop, there is a energy Options alternative at direct Panel that helps you optimize energy usage. You can setting the laptop to fetch inactive when no at use during fairly some time. It is also feasible to adapt the show brightness above the laptop. This can permit prolonged battery life.

9) Program Overload. flow only the programs you are using at the time of use. Programs that flow at the background use more system goods and drain laptop battery life.

10) own a spare battery: A good concept is to eat a spare battery. Batteries are affordable these days and easily purchased online from electronics sites. eat at least one fully charged at complete ripen during a fast battery change. Some laptops can flow with two batteries. Some laptops are also compatible with exterior batteries that can be easily added when necessary.